Afterward, the students opened a discussion with Larry's family about "Easter Eggs" and why people are celebrating Easter, and why there are always eggs? The discussion was fun and full of "international" jokes. Then the students were asked to go out of the house and look for some hidden Easter eggs. The race began as soon as Larry's wife counted to three. All the students enjoyed the hunt and had great fun looking for eggs everywhere while they were running into each other. While some managed to find as many as fourteen eggs, others were less lucky and found none.
Following the hunt, everyone sat down to enjoy the delicious dinner that Larry's wife had made. After eating so much, the students had time to dance to some American Easter songs, which are meant for children with Larry's family. This wonderful evening became one of the great experiences the international students had a chance to enjoy here at Sweet Briar. So far, this has been the fourth time that Professor Larry has generously invited all internationals to his place.